Tag Archives: baby animals

A Trip Away

This past weekend I packed my teenage daughters in the truck and headed north, the need to get far away from home was impossible to ignore. It is just barely getting warmer here in western Massachusetts, so there is not much in the way of green on the trees or flowers blooming. But that’s okay… the warmer air and bright sunshine was inviting.

We drove north into Vermont with the intention of going to The Vermont Country Store. Once we crossed the state line, we stopped at the Vermont Welcome Center and saw an advertisement for Billings Farm in Woodstock, Vermont. One thing in particular stood out to us….

They. Were. Having. A. Baby. Farm. Animal. Celebration.

Excuse me for a moment while my head explodes. OHEMGEE BABY ANIMALS.

We totally HAD to go. I mean, really. Who goes allllll the way to Vermont and then doesn’t stop for baby animal celebrations??!! Not me, that’s for sure. So, we went.

And it was precisely what my broken heart desperately needed.

Note: I am trying desperately to teach myself to use a camera, without any training or guidance yet. Any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. I have zero idea what I am doing. With that said….

On to the babies!!!!

Freakin squee, dude.